Saturday, July 19, 2008

overdue update

Sorry it's been awhile. Life with 2 kids is busy and of course they don't nap at the same time. Here is a brief update of life the past few weeks.

We went camping Canada long weekend - this is the 2nd annual Canada Day Camping Extravaganza and it rained again. Our group this year grew - we had 13 adults and 10 kids, 2 new babies, 1 8 months old, 4 2 year olds, a 5 year old and an 8 year old. It was fun and a little crazy. At least with all the adult we took turns chasing and break up "it's mine" arguments.
I'm going to link to you Deb's blog to get the rest of the story of the weekend. It was fun and hopefully next year it won't rain - it can't rain 3 years in a row, can it?

I now have both girls at home full time. So far it's going good, we're getting a routine in order. I'm have to find some good books so I can make sure Lilo learns what she should. She is doing good - she can count to 12 - most times, she often jumps from 3 to 6 but starting to remember 4 and 5. She also is starting to recognize a lot of letters.
Isla is 3months already and is getting so big and strong. She loves to sit up, assisted and look around at everything. And the other night when she was having a fussy night I went in to find her on her belly - so she rolled over for the first time. She has been rolling to her side for a few weeks but I guess she made it over. She also likes to pivot in circles - using her head as the pivot, so she has a nice bald spot on the back of her head.
We are also thinking she's teething, she's drooling like crazy and chewing her hand and soother a lot. We'll see if anything pops out. We're off to a cottage for a week with friends - I hope the sun is out.

Here is another comparison picture - you can tell them apart here. Isla is the first picture and Lilo the second.

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