Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lilo's Big Toe

As most of our friends and family are aware, when Lilo was about 2 months old we notice she had a very large big toe. For months we've proudly stripped off her socks and shared a giggle with friends, as we remarked at how unusually huge her toe is. And over the past 10 months, her big toe has gotten even bigger - and seems to be growing even faster that the rest of her toes (i.e. if it was twice as big as normal before, it's more like 3x as big now). While this has been a cute litte abnomally, we've alos been slightly concerned about what's behind it - and what it might mean for Lilo in the future.

We got some answers this past Friday, after an appointment with an Orthopaedic Surgreon and Toronto's Sick Kids Hospital. As it turns out, Lilo appears to have a condition called 'macrodactyly' in her 'great toe' (which seems to be the technical term for the big toe). Kind of a strange term, in that the direct translation would seem to be "Big Toe" - but the same name is apprently applied to the same condition when it appears in entire feet, fingers, or even facial features.

Here's some information I've found online, from various sources, for those who might be interested or curious:

Here's an article from Boston Children's Hospital which is pretty non-technical, straight forward, and easy to understand.

Here's a much more technical article from Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics.

An article from BBC News, about an African girl with an untreated case of macrodactyly. (Don't worry, with Lilo having already visted an Orthopaedic surgeon, there is NO WAY things could progres this far).

And if you're really interested, here's the National Library of Medicine's (US) list of medical articals and studies regarding macrodactyly in the foot.

Update on Lilo's toe.


Anonymous November 9, 2006 at 7:45 AM  

Hey Rob - as a doctor training to specialize in physical differences in children, it was quite interesting to me to read about Lilo's macrodactyly! Does she have to wear a bigger shoe because of it?

By the way, she is just ADORABLE. Hope I get to meet her in person sometime.

Anonymous November 14, 2006 at 12:27 AM  

Yep, the shoes are already proving to be a challenge. As are the fitted sleepers (the ones that go all the way over the feet). When she out grows the pair of shoes she's on, we'll probably have to start buying two sizes - one for each foot. Otherwise the right one is going to start falling off! I have this plan where we'll just keep buying larger sizes of the exact same shoe, and the right foot will always just be one size behind. Vone just rolls her eyes at me.

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