Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

We're all excited to go trick or treating tonight and we have lucked in to nice weather. It was beautiful out today as we walked to the library and the park.
This week I've been busy sewing up our costumes, we're going to the Jimmoween party tomorrow night - so the costumes stay a secret till then.

In between sewing Lilo and I have been creating halloween decorations. She is loving crafting. We made pumpkins, spider webs, and ghosts for the front window.

And to keep her busy yesterday she made a beautifully decorated crown.
Right now her favorite tv show is Mister Maker. It's a british guy that does crafts. It's neat to watch and get ideas, most things are a little advanced for her but we can adapt. So I've been buying pompoms and pipecleaners from the dollar store and saving egg cartons and stuff. I know, more junk.

I'm not sure if she just has the artsy jean or if I'm just doing it with her so she's enjoying it. Either way it's fun.

Lilo took this picture - not bad, huh? She also took the first picture of the cats.


Anonymous October 31, 2008 at 2:33 PM  

I LOVE the little clown wig on Isla!
Happy Halloween!

Anonymous October 31, 2008 at 5:46 PM  

I love it too - but Isla didn't and she kept pulling the nose off.

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